E-commerce conversion multiple attribution
E-commerce conversion multiple attribution is a problem. A growing problem.
If you’re buying brand marketing ads, you have to be patient, follow your guts (and your brand knowledge) because you can’t measure them.
On the other side, if you’re buying direct marketing ads, you’re supposed to be able to measure everything, to compute how much it costs and to decide which channels “earn” your attention because of their respective return of investments.
But what it those channels, platforms and apps don’t tell the truth? Their job, is to demonstrate you they work, they work better than the other channel, that they deserve your attention. They deserve your money.
And it’s in dates like the BFCM craziness that it’s way more than evident that if you sum all the revenue from all the channels, the result is bigger than your total revenue.
Some of them, if not all of them are cheating on you. Or at least they are not telling you the absolute truth.
Why? Maybe because it’s not really possible to assign a conversion to a single source, or to the first source, or maybe because they don’t want, they don’t need to?